Library Introduction :

The Library has been established right from the inception of the college in 1961. Initially it had 200 books. The college has continued to add to its collection and at present it holds 34436 books, 250 bound volumes of back journals, thesis & Dissertations. Minor Research projects our facility & question bank of RTM Nagpur University having reach collection book & journal the library occupies a prominents and integral part in the teaching and Learning process of the institution. 

             The library aims to fulfil all kinds of educational intourmalional and recrealional needs of the students teachers, researches and other users by providing them with a wide range of Books periodicals, refrence books, famous literary works, rare books and audio-visual aids.

The S.B.M.M. library is a combination of traditional print resources as well as E-resources, providing the services accordingly. Library has 558 students members 36 and 20 Teacher & Non Teachering 04.  Library having 06 Compulars having Broad Band Internet connectivity which provide access to subscribe and Open Access Databases like INFLIBNET, NList, DELNET, NDL, NISCAIR's online peridicals respository, Directory of open access Journals.

A user-friendly environment has been established in the library. The present Librarian Dr. Aparna S. Choudhary along with the Librarian.(Associate Proff.) the library with prompt and effective online and offline Library Services. The library follows Dewey Decimal Scheme for classification and arrangement of books.

VISION OF THE LIBRARY: To Help in Achieving Overall Institutional Goal By Supporting
Teaching-Learning Process Through Learning Resources

Librarian’s Desk :

Dr. Aparna S. Choudhary is working as Librarian at Shrimati Binzani Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur since 23 years. She has completed her M.Com, M.Phil., MLISc from Nagpur University with 3rd position in Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University. She got Ph D. in "Growth and Development of Nagpur University Library in the changing scenario of Information Technology from 1989-2000".

She is an approved research supervisor for Ph.D. in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Four student has been awarded Ph. D. under her able guidance and Three students ware working have submitted Ph.D.  She has been invited as a subject expert and resource person at various seminars and conferences.

She has written 36 research articles and papers have been published in national and international journals. She has completed one minor research project funded by UGC, ie. "Institutional Repository of Smt. Binzani Mahila Mahavidyalaya." She has also worked at various organizations and is life member ofvarious associations i.e. NUCL A VLA and SALIS.