SR. NO session Author name publication type title pdf Name OF Journal/Book/Proceeding link
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1 2022-23 Dr. Ujwal LanjewarU UGC A Theoretical Study of IoT Data Security Through the Integration of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology View Journal Of Technology || Issn No:1012-3407 || Vol 13 Issue 8 View View View
2 2022-23 Dr. Ujwal Lanjewar UGC Reviewal perspective of weather Forecasting using different Deep Learning algorithms based on Time Series Prediction View International journal for modern trades in science and technology View View View
3 2022-23 Dr. Ujwal Lanjewar UGC Training dataset Validation dataset Testing dataset in Time Series CNN View GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL View View View
4 2022-23 Dr. Ujwal Lanjewar UGC Elevating Weather Prediction for Recurrent Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Models View Journal of Technology View View View
5 2022-23 Dr. Ujwal Lanjewar UGC A Study of Gramin Bhandaran Yojna its uses and utility: A Review View International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology View View View
6 2022-23 Dr. Suchita Marathe UGC Entrepreneurship and women Empowerment- VIZ A VIZ Indian Middle Class Women View Shodhsahita View View View
7 2022-23 Dr. Suchita Marathe UGC Deserting the beaten path: A realistic prortrayal of mother daughter relationship in Anita Nair's ladies coupe View SodhSamhita View View View
8 2022-23 Dr. Aparna Choudhary UGC Reading Interest in Gondia District College student: A study View Research Journey View View View
9 2022-23 Dr. Ujwal A. Lanjewar Proceding Scalability of Data Mining Algorithms for Non-Stationary Data View Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing( ICAAIC 2022) View View View
10 2022-23 Dr. Ujwal A. Lanjewar Proceding Analysis of a Cascade Scaling Algorithm Using Dta Mining Methods View 2022 IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computin View View View
11 2022-23 Dr. Rajshri Gajghate UGC The theme of Oedipus complex in 'Hamlet' and Hindi movie 'Haider': A comparative study View Juni Khyat View View View
12 2022-23 Dr. Rajshri Gajghate UGC Mulkraj Anand's 'Untouchable' : The Saga of injustice and Exploitation View Purvadeva View View View
13 2022-23 Dr. Suchita Marathe Book Casserole of the life View Casserole of the life View View View
14 2022-23 Dr. Suchita Marathe Book The Battle of troy and other stories View Book View View View
15 2023-24 Dr. Rajshree Gajghate Book Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Socilogical and Economical Thoughts View Book View View View
16 2023-24 Dr. Rajshree Gajghate UGC Traditional Literature and Digital Literature in the Context of English Studies View LangLit , An International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal View View View
17 2022-23 Dr. Shubhangi S.Kukekar UGC A Study of Lifestyle and Dietary practices of Adolescent after severe pandemic period View lnternational journal of Creative Research Tooughts View View View
18 2022-23 Dr. Shubhangi S.Kukekar UGC Yogic practices as a Means of Maintaining Psychological Health of school Teachers During Pandemic period View International journal of Crative research Thoughts View View View
19 2022-23 Dr. Shubhangi S. Kukekar UGC A Cross Sectonal study of Dietary intake of Macronutrients and vitamins among adolescent girls of Nagpur city View international journal of research and Analytical Reviews View View View
20 2022-23 Dr. Shubhangi Kukekar Chapter in Book Possittive Effects of Music on Human Nutrition View Aesthetics in Various Types of Music & its Impact on Humanity View View View
21 2023-24 Dr. Ujwal A. Lanjewar UGC Decoy System-Based Approaches for Data Protection in Fog Computing: A Comprehensive Literature Review View Technical Security Journal View View View
22 2023-24 Dr. Ujwal Lanjewar UGC Elevating Weather Prediction for Recurrent Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Models View Journal Of Technology View View View
23 2022-23 Dr. Charuta Joshi Chapter in Book Sarvodaya Path for Resilient Gram Swaraj View Atmanirbhar Grameen Bharat Empowerment Though Strategies and Appropriate Technology Research View View View
24 2022-23 Dr. Archana Gupta Chapter in Book A Psycholoanalysis of the Homosexual Characters in Mahesh Dattani's Night Queen View Gender Equality (Issues & Challenges) View View View
25 2022-23 Dr. Aparna Choudhary Proceding National Education Policy 2020 and Libraries View Understanding the National Education Policy 2020 View View View
26 2022-23 Dr. D. S. Shambharkar Chapter in Book We the people of India View Researvation Movements in Indian Democracy View View View
27 2022-23 Dr. D. S. Shambharkar Chapter in Book Dalit Panther- Resistance and Militant Movement in Maharashtra View Contemporary Social & Political Movements View View View
28 2022-23 Dr. D. S. Shambharkar Chapter in Book Indian Freedom Movemnet and Dr.Babasheb Ambedkar View India@75 View View View