
Deepkali Magazine 2020

By Smt. Binzani College

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Priyanka khadse 11-08-2023

very naic mam

test 01-10-2021


Dr. Neelam Hemant Virani 30-09-2021

बहुत ही सुंदर संरचनात्मक अभिव्यक्ति है दीपकली पत्रिका. महिला महाविद्यालय के समस्त संपादक मंडल को बहुत-बहुत बधाई हो

Chetna 30-09-2021


Priti Ingle 30-09-2021

Suparna Mishra 29-09-2021

Firstly I would like to thanks the entire team who got this magazine published. I don't get the word to Express my feelings about the magazine the collection was superb just amazing .definitely it motivates me. I'm glad to be a part of this college I will found myself lucky if I got a chance to share my thoughts on magazine

Suparna Mishra 29-09-2021

Firstly I would like to thanks the entire team who got this magazine published. I don't get the word to Express my feelings about the magazine the collection was superb just amazing .definitely it motivates me. I'm glad to be a part of this college I will found myself lucky if I got a chance to share my thoughts on magazine.

Ruchika Rarhod 29-09-2021

It's feel very nice to read

Dr Suchita Marathe 29-09-2021

A very exhaustive collection of articles on varied topics

Dr Suchita Marathe 29-09-2021

A very nice exhaustive collection of articles

Dr Suchita Marathe 29-09-2021

A very nice exhaustive collection of articles

Dr. Charuta V. Joshi 29-09-2021

Congratulations Dr. Shambharkar Sir and Editorial board members for successfully completing the task of preparation and publication of new. Issue of Deepakali in the backdrop of pandemic and lock down situation. It has covered a wide arena of subjects and is rich in content. Hearty congratulations once again. Keep writing. Keep Publishing. Dr. Charuta Joshi

Ashwini Aher Pandhare 29-09-2021

The magazine really amazing.  I feel very proud to be a part of this College.I really congratulate all of you for your hard work.

Ashwini Aher Pandhare 29-09-2021

The magazine really amazing. I feel very proud to be a part of this College.I really congratulate all of you for your hard work.

Shraddha bharadwaj 29-09-2021

Wah purani yadain ho aayi jab hum deepkali me chapte the standard collage magazine

Arti Barge 29-09-2021

Corona Kal me bhi Deepkali ka prakashan college ke liye Gaurav ka pratik hai , shubhkaamnaaye...

Roshni shahu 29-09-2021

Aboli M. Padwad 29-09-2021

It was amazing and very intresting i specially like 3 topics that was 1 . educational thoughts of mahatma gandhi 2 . The tragedy of rape victims

Aboli M. Padwad 29-09-2021

It was amazing and very intresting i specially like 3 topics that was 1 . educational thoughts of mahatma gandhi 2 . The tragedy of rape victims

Mayuri Suresh nagardhane 29-09-2021


Khushali ashok waghmare 29-09-2021

Nice magazine

Dr Suchita Marathe 29-09-2021

A very nice exhaustive collection of articles on varied subjects.

Sabiya ansari 29-09-2021

Very nice book

DR.Aparna Choudhary 09-08-2021

Congratulations !!! Dr.Charuta Joshi madam ,Editorial Board .The Magazine Deepakli was really good and the contents are also good .I also appericiate this initative of E-Magazine .

डॉ नीलम त्रिवेदी 19-07-2021

मै इस संस्थान की पुरा छात्रा रही हूं २००० बैच की । हम पुराने लोगो को भी कभी याद किया जाय । आखिर हम सभी इसी गौरवशाली संस्थान की देन है । १९९९–२००० के अंक में पृष्ठ ६३ पर मेरा आर्टिकल भी है । आज पुनः दीपकली को नए रंग और नए कलेवर में देखकर स्नेहल पालधिकर सर की याद ताजा हो गई । थैंक्स आप सभी को । नीलम त्रिवेदी

श्रीमती रजनी ठाकरे नागपूर 16-02-2021

दीपकळीची मांडणी अत्यंत सुंदर व आकर्षक पद्धतीने केलेली आहे. भाषेचा दर्जा अतिशय चांगला आहे. आता डिजिटल स्वरूपात महाविद्यालयाची दीपकळी बघून अतिशय आनंद झाला. मी या महाविद्यालयात शिकत असताना यात लिखाण करत असे. विद्यार्थी जीवनापासून लिखाणाची शिस्त दीपकळीने लावली. आता डिजिटल स्वरूपात ही दीपकळी वाचता येईल असे दै. तरुण भारत मध्ये प्रसिद्ध झालेल्या विमोचन कार्यक्रमाच्या वृत्तावरून कळले; आजही दीपाकळीतील लेखांचा दर्जा कायम आहे हे बघून अतिशय आनंद झाला. दीपकळी संपादक मंडळ व महाविद्यालयाचे मनापासून अभिनंदन!

Anand Nanoti 03-02-2021

श्रीमती बिंझाणी महिला महाविद्यालयाच्या 'दीपकळी' हे magazine महाविद्यालयीन वयापासून नागपुरात शिकत असताना बघितले होते. आता तिचे डिजिटल फॉरमॅट मधील स्वरूप आणखीनच नाविन्यपूर्ण व आकर्षक वाटते. Congratulations for this digital venture. Overall presentation is really awesome. Good collection of articles. Congrats to Deepakali Team! Anand Nanoti California, U.S.

Dr. Geeta Dixit (Mumbai) 03-01-2021

दीपकळीची मांडणी अतिशय सुंदर आहे. मुखपृष्ठ फारच आकर्षक असून आत विषय वैविध्य जाणवले. यात दर्जेदार लेखांची मेजवानी मिळाली. बिंझाणी महिला महाविद्यालयाचे मनापासून अभिनंदन ! डॉ. गीता दीक्षित कांदिवली, मुंबई

Sheetal Savdekar (Singapore) 06-12-2020

Nice articles, Good presentation. Congratulations on E-format.

D.S.Shambharkar 19-10-2020


Dr. Rajshri Gajghate 18-10-2020

It's really very praiseworthy and proud moment for Smt. Binzani Mahila Mahavidyalaya to publish quality magazine in form of e-book, the first ever in Nagpur University. Kudos to the Editor, Dr. Charuta Joshi and the team.

Rupa Vyas 12-10-2020

Great work done by SBMM team and specially Dr. Charuta Joshi Madam. Congratulations to all.

Kalpana A Patil 12-10-2020

Thought by P. L. Deshpande v v nice and real fact

Kalpana A Patil 12-10-2020

very nice thought Natsamrat

kalpana patil 12-10-2020

nice thought by swami vivekanand

Kalpana A Patil 12-10-2020


Pallavi Mudliyar 10-10-2020

The magazine "Deepkali" was really good. It was my first experience that I had written an article for this magazine for the first time and it was a good experience for me to work in the magzine "Deepkali" .Thank you, Ma'am for giving me this oppotunity to being a part of this amazing magzine.

डॉ अमृता भुस्कुटे 09-10-2020

दीपकळी २०१९-२० च्या संपूर्ण टीम चे अभिनंदन, या डिजिटल स्वरूपामुळे या पुढे दीपकळी अधिक वाचकांपर्यंत पोहचू शकेल आणि विद्यार्थिनींना देखील आपल्या रचना, लेख जपून ठेवता येतील, अनेकांपर्यंत पोहोचवता येतील, हे या डिजिटल माध्यमाचे यश आहे. 'आपदा में अवसर' अर्थात संकटकाळात संधी शोधणं हे दुर्मिळ आहे आणि या संकल्पनेसह दीपकळीचा हा प्रवास एका नवीन दिशेकडे घेऊन जाण्यासाठी डॉ मराठे मॅडम यांचे अभिनंदन आणि आभार. आणि ते प्रत्यक्षात आणण्यासाठी डॉ जोशी मॅडम यांचे ही अभिनंदन.

Arti barge 09-10-2020


Dr Suchita Marathe 09-10-2020

Congratulations to SBMM team in general and Dr Charuta Joshi madam and her editorial team in particular for an attractive Deepkali in e format. This is the first annual magazine published in E format . Very good presentation

Samriddhi J. Shetey 09-10-2020

It was a good experience to work in the magazine 'Deepkali'. I was a member of it since 2 years. It give me a new path that i can write and share something. And also dicsussed on various topics and meet new peoples and get a one of different experience. And the magazine was really really good in it all the topics are covered . Thank you ma'am and sir for making me a part of it ☺️

Sandeep Gavai 09-10-2020


C. Joshi 09-10-2020
